This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Access to computer data and files at Oshun Supply Inc. is limited to authorized personnel.
Oshun Supply utilizes industry standard SSL encryption when accepting your credit card information during our online order completion process. SSL encryption is a method by which information transmitted across the Internet is encoded to defeat theft by anyone who should intercept the data before it reaches its destination. All reputable online stores make use of SSL encryption to request credit card information and other sensitive data from their customers. Web pages where SSL encryption is activated are typically identified by a lock or key symbol displayed somewhere in your browser. When you enter a secure area of the web site you will notice the URL of the page will begin with https: instead of http: In addition we have a site certificate to authenticate to you and your browser the security of our site. Please click on the lock icon on the bottom of your browser when on a secure page of our site to confirm our site security.
*Please note that if you still prefer to provide your payment info offline, you are welcome to do so. However we still require the order be placed on our web site. Simply choose the Offline payment method and call or fax your info to us. Both our voicemail and fax machine are secure.*
Privacy Policy:Information is only collected for use in processing your order. Accounts set up on our Miva Merchant shopping cart are optional and a time saver option for our client's use only. This database contains only the shipping contact and address info and does not collect or retain any credit card data. It's sole purpose is as a time saver for our clients so that if they choose they can set up an account to retain their shipping contact and address data so they do not have to enter it each time they order. Oshun Supply does not make use of this database. Our site does not use any data gathering, and the only cookies used are for session ID's within the Miva Merchant shopping cart in order to update your order basket contents when a page is reloaded. Credit card information is used only to process the order it is submitted with. We do not keep this information on file. Any sensitive information we dispose of is cross cut shredded. When specifically requested by a client, we will retain credit card info on file for use with future orders. All private client data is kept securely and only authorized personnel have access. We will never share or sell your information, nor will we ever use it to send unsolicited marketing to you. The only client database we retain at present is within our Canada Post EST shipping software. This is used for shipping subsequent orders to our existing clients. We only use the email addresses of our clients for contact with important news or information. We have the utmost respect for our client's security and privacy.
Our security and privacy policies are periodically reviewed and enhanced as necessary, and only authorized individuals have access to the information provided by our customers.