Arrowroot Powder 1kg
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Code: IW006A
Maranta arundinaceae
Arrowroot is a perennial plant native to the West Indies but also grown in other regions including South Asia, South America, Australia, Africa and the US. When the plant is less than a year old, the starch is extracted from the rhizomes, which are washed and pulped and then mixed with water. The fibers are hand-wrung to capture the liquor and the starch is dried in the sun. This starch from the rhizome/root of the plant has traditionally been used as a medicinal herb, including for digestive disorders, as well as food. Most are familiar with arrowroot cookies, which is but one use as a flour. For those who cannot tolerate gluten, it's the perfect replacement for wheat flour. As a starch it has similar uses to cornstarch and others, but with other advantages. Acidic ingredients like fruit do not affect it's ability to make clear sauces and glazes and it can be used to thicken foods at much lower temperatures than other starches without affecting flavour. It's ability to hold up well to freezing makes it uniquely suitable for use in recipes that will be frozen. It's even used in homemade ice cream to prevent ice crystal formation. For use as a starch or flour alternative, 1:1 for replacing flour and 2:1 for cornstarch. When used in something like a stir fry, first mixed with a cool liquid like chicken broth, it doesn't need to be boiled to thicken and there's no starchiness to cook off. For use in cosmetics this non-toxic fine white powder is an alternative to talc. Used to help moisturizers penetrate the skin. Topically has been used to soothe bites and sores either as a home remedy paste or in ointments or oral medicines. One of the most popular veggie / vegan powders for use in natural products including body powders. Product of Thailand.