Search Oshun Supply Product Catalogue (searches
product names and descriptions):
Click on the product code to view product description
If you're not getting the results you hoped for in your
search, try adding or removing a space between search terms:
For example: 24mm and 24 mm will bring up different results
- If trying to locate a size, try different ones:
For example try 100 ml and 120 ml as well as 4 oz,
200 ml and 250 ml as well as 8 oz etc.
- "Flint" is clear glass, "clear" is clear plastic
You can search for packaging items by size, colour, style
or other search terms
You can search for ingredients by name or by function. For
example; emulsifier, anti-oxidant, etc.
- Still can't find what you're looking for?
Email us - we'll be
happy to help you find what you need