Chromium Oxide Green 500g
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Code: IW020B
A pure inorganic pigment with high resistance and good stability. Olive green in color, insoluble in water and solvents, unaffected by acids and alkalis, inert, light fast, excellent heat resistance. Also called chrome oxide, chromium III, chromic oxide, chrome green, green cinnabar and dichromium trioxide. A green powder that can be added directly to soap, but is best incorporated by mixing with the water first. Provides a variety of shades of green depending on how much is used, the color of the soap base and whether used in combination with titanium dioxide (for paler shades) or iron oxide black (for darker shades). Permanently listed as a cosmetic color additive exempt from certification by the FDA, for use externally including the eye area. 1 tbsp weighs approximately 6g. Photo of test results in soap